Argentina rodeo - Bariloche

Publié le par Maria

We start the year with appointment at the dentist for all of us.

Nothing very serious but we profited to be in a big city.

Eric was recuperating from an angina and I had I big cool, so we decide to drive not to far to take a rest. We fond a private property witch, against a small fee, the owners will let people camp. It was a nice place near the river.  We stayed there a couple of days. Once there was a popular party during the WE, we decide to stay longer in order to see the Argentina rodeo.


Saturday we're invited to the birthday party of 

Senora Anacuna, the owner's wife,

and Sunday we saw the popular party. There was traditional dance. .




The argentine rodeo is very different than the Chilien one we had seen. Here the guys have to stay 12 seconds on the back of a horse that have not been themed. After this time, two others horse riders take him from each side while the horse goes on his wild way

Some boys took it quite ok and, off course some others fall dawn on the first 3 seconds. It's always impressive to see





We left the place direction S.Martin de los Andes - a very nice and tourist city.  At this moment, in Argentina is the equivalent of our summer holidays. There are a lot of people everywhere. The local campsite was full, so we spend the night on a vacant field in town that was to sell. We 're so lucky that the owner, living nearby, allowed us to fill in the water tanks.


The day after, we recuperate our laundry and off we go to Chilli. The way from the seven lacks it's a regular earth road until the terms. After it gets a very wild road: narrow, big stones and holes. But it can be done by a regular camper van if it's a bit high on wheels.


Publié dans ARGENTINE

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c'est vraiment nul de faire souffrir des chevaux juste pour satisfaire les besoins du publique!!!<br /> car se qu'on ne sait pas et qu'on ne voit pas sait que sous leur sangle il y a des clous qui font mal au chevaux et donc les chevaux font du rodéo!!!
<br /> c'est n'importe quoi car les rodeo ne sont pas tous pareils. Celui la : les cheuvaux fesait du rodeo car ils étaient sauvages pas parce que il y avait des clous, Les cheuvaux non desser n'aime pas<br /> que on les montes<br /> <br /> <br />
por su amistad y sencilles, para saludarlos y darles un gran abrazo de parte de Ronald y Skarlett, y a la diastanica tambien los quiere saludar Edgardo y Raquel junto con sus hijos y familia... gracias por lo escrito en su blog es muy lindo y a la vez emosionante. ojala que nuestra amistad perdure por siempre y no se pierda el contacto, tan sólo seria para eso, cuidense mucho y mucha suerte en su viaje les deseamos con mucho cariño...<br /> <br /> adiós
<br /> Ola ckarlett,ola Ronald,olaEdgardo y Raquel<br /> Nos encanta su mensagen,hablamos de usted todos con frequencia...<br /> ¿como estan todos?<br /> estamos en Santiago,despues para Talca de nuevo,y al norte.<br /> Tenemos uno celular chileno : 926 33 856.<br /> Pueden mandar SMS,y puedemos responder.<br /> Muchos abrazos a todos,la mama de Raquel,tus padres,las ermanas de Raquel,hasta la proxima,<br /> <br /> Eric <br /> <br /> <br />